Growth and Infrastructure in Saginaw

By Keith C. Rinehart, Director of Community & Economic Development, City of Saginaw

Just over three years ago, the City of Saginaw’s Economic Development Department developed the Saginaw Building Improvement Grant Program to “take care of what we
have” and reinvest in the existing business community. Redevelopment can be more of an uphill mountain climb than new development, but it is worth the hike. The redevelopment of mature sections of town can bring in the “new” while using and preserving unique characteristics of the city.

Establishing a grant program that encourages local businesses to invest in themselves during the middle of a world-wide pandemic was not for the faint of heart. The
COVID-19 pandemic forced us to consider “swiveling” strategies and seek more creative ways to achieve our goals.

During this turbulent time, we heard many stories of how businesses were faced with closing their doors and losing staff and revenues.

The Saginaw Building Improvement Grant Program

The Saginaw Building Improvement Grant (BIG) Programis for any commercial business in the City looking to enhance their business property visually or in ways that increase the viability of the property for business use. This includes usages allowed in several zoning classifications: Community Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, Office Professional, Light Industrial, Heavy Industrial, and within Planned Developments.

Read the full piece, including success stories, on pages 14-16 of the June 2023 issue Texas Town and Country

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